TaYT goes Film Noir – Tampereen Ylioppilasteatteri
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TaYT goes Film Noir

Tampereen Ylioppilasteatteri will be taken over by femme fatales, criminals, cocktails, cigarettes, long glancing eye contacts and dramatic gasps when Mischler & More (USA & UK) bring their Film Noir show to Tampere. The improvised comedy show will lead you to the world of Film Noir in a funny, surprising and dramatic way.


2 actors, 1 genre, no script – this is something you don’t want to miss!

Tickets: 8,00 e / 6,00 e (students)

Ask for a group discount!

Show starts at 8:00 PM. The doors open and our bar will serve you already at 7:00 PM. Welcome!

For more information check our Facebook-event or our website


Before the show you have a rare opportunity to get a closer look at the theatre. A film noir themed tour will take you to the hidden parts of this exciting theatre that was originally built as a beautiful cinema. Come and have a glimpse of the past glamour, see what lies in the dark corners and enjoy the tour guided by the theatre’s very own femme fatales!

The tour starts at 7:00 PM and is free of charge.

Event is co-produced with the Improv Academy